Statin madness – A link to Huffington Post’s David Newman insights.



Read on via this link to the Huffington Post.

And two recent Australian Broadcasting Commission documentaries suggest Dr Ancel Keys, the man behind the ‘high fat = coronary artery disease’ mantra fudged his data. The first documentary suggests he cherry picked the data he reported to strengthen the association between high-fat diet and coronary artery disease.  The second documentary was strongly opposed by the mainstream medical establishment in Australia. (Click here for the link to the 2nd part of ‘The Heart of the Matter’).

BJSM will followup on this issue. If the public has been lied to about the power of medication, they are not in a position to weigh their lifestyle choices fairly. Drug companies have long lost their credibility as unbiased contributors to the public health debate. The new ‘Statin guidelines’ need careful scrutiny by those who combine epidemiological expertise with mortgages that are already paid off.

Unfortunately, these ‘Statin guidelines‘ come as no surprise for readers familiar with the work of Ray Moynihan.

I encourage you to check this BMJ paper that concluded “exercise and many drug interventions are often potentially similar in terms of their mortality benefits in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, rehabilitation after stroke, treatment of heart failure, and prevention of diabetes.”

An important question is whether these new guidelines give appropriate relative weighting to statins and exercise according to their clinical relevance – according to what the data really tell us. Or is there bias at play?


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