Early bird registration ends soon, register now: ASICS Conference of Science & Medicine in Sport, October 22 – 25 2013, Phuket Thailand


October 22 – 25 2013, Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort and Spa, Phuket Thailand

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the latest on sports medicine, sports science, physical activity and injury prevention whilst enjoying Asia’s premier beach holiday destination! A preliminary conference program is now available HERE.

Make the most of early bird prices and register for the 2013 ACSMS now! Early bird registration closes 5pm July 31st 2013.

You will be able to engage with the internationally renowned:

·         Refshauge Lecturer Mr Craig Purdam (AIS) Head of Physical Therapies, Australian Institute of Sport and multiple Olympic Games clinician, tendinopathies expert.

·         Professor Jiri Dvorak (FIFA) Professor at University of Zurich, Senior Consultant in Neurology at Schulthess Spine Centre & Chief Medical Officer to FIFA

·         Professor Per Aagaard (University of Southern Denmark) Head of Muscle Physiology & Biomechanics Research Unit, Institute of Sports Science & Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark

Dr Matthieu Sailly (Centre Biologie et Medicine du Sport at Pau) Sports Physician, Centre Biologie et Medicine du Sport at Pau, France

·         Dr Charlotte Suetta (University of Copenhagen) Centre of Internal Medicine, Institute of Sports Medicine, Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen

·         Professor Kim Bennell (University of Melbourne) Professor of Physiotherapy and Director of the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne

Please visit the ACSMS website for more information.

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