By Dr Rajat Chauhan,
Sports-Exercise Medicine & Musculoskeletal Medicine Physician; BJSM Associate Editor (India)@drrajatchauhan
From the time of Hippocrates and probably even before, we have known the benefits of physical activity and exercise in health. In today’s world of evidence based medicine, it is even more important for research to back up our gut feeling. The last two decades of research show how big an impact ‘Physical activity and exercise’ have in reducing risk of non-communicable chronic disease morbidity and premature mortality.
The cover of March 2011 edition of BJSM did its bit by suggesting that every doctor consultation room needed to have a copy of the free PDF ‘Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease‘, (a ground breaking book by Professional Associations for Physical Activity (Sweden)) and then to use it 20-30 times daily. The editorial was so appropriately titled “Physical activity as medicine: time to translate evidence into clinical practice” (see full text here – FREE).
You may have thought that all these efforts put together would have changed the healthcare fraternity’s attitude in recommending ‘physical activity’ to patients. In this presentation, I have put down the reasons why we, doctors, are neglecting one of our duties. I have also suggested a couple of solutions.
This presentation targets practicing doctors and medical students, so they are better informed about the role of physical activity and exercise which is often mentioned in medical schools in passing. It’s also for the public, to make them aware that it’s their right to know better. Why should they trust someone who doesn’t practice what s/he preaches!
Please view the presentation HERE, and share with your friends and colleagues.
Keep miling and smiling,
Dr Rajat Chauhan

Ultra Runner, Sports-Exercise & Pain physician practicing (un)common medicine. Columnist – Mint newspaper, Blogger – Forbes India, Associate Editor – BJSM
New Delhi, India ·