Are you a clinician/public health decision maker looking for the best Physical Activity and Public Health Course? The ‘Russ Pate / Steve Blair plus more’ course – Park City, Utah, Sept 10-18, 2013

Park City, Utah: Photo via Wikipedia

From my 30-year experience in the field of sport and exercise medicine, I know that the best course for clinicians wanting to change the physical activity landscape through work in the community, (i.e., via workplaces, NGOs, local government, big government or other public health settings is what we respectfully refer to as the Pate/Blair course sponsored by the University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The leads for this course (Professors Pate and Blair – who really need no introduction) have confirmed that Bess Marcus, Abby King, David Buchner, Barb Ainsworth (all USA), Neville Owen (Aus)  & Canada’s Mark Tremblay will be working with participants in this course. Numbers are limited  which gives you a chance to meet one-on-one with the professor whose work is most relevant to your work.

This once-in a career event transforms a participant’s professional career. You go from ‘wanting to make a difference’ to having the tools to know what to do and having the network of faculty and leading colleagues from across the US and the world to help you.

This year’s opportunity is from September 10-18, 2013 in Park City, Utah.  Apply now so that you can write a good application letter. There are two courses one for clinicians and one for researchers.

1. Practitioner’s Course on Community Interventions

This 6-day course targets those who are involved or interested in promoting physical activity through community-based initiatives. Topics include: public health models for physical activity promotion, needs assessment, best practice intervention strategies, and program evaluation.  The course culminates with a Community Workshop in which participants visit a local area and discuss strategies for improving access to physical activity in that community.

Course participants, 2012

“In my line of work, I don’t hear much about data, and don’t spend time with the data that I do have.  I learned about evidence-based decision making; where to find such documentation, and how to use it in my work.  I saw examples of how research can be used to further the work on the obesity and lack of physical activity areas, and how to continue to partner with those in the health and wellness field to make a difference.  Lastly I learned that there are lots of good people doing good work, and that only by working together and sharing information will any of us succeed.  It was an amazing experience.”

Sue Goodwin, Recreation Division Director at Seattle Parks Department and former Practitioner’s Course participant.

2. Researchers Course: This 8-day Postgraduate Course targets postdoctoral (post PhD) personnel. It will help you develop research competencies in various topics related to physical activity and public health. Ideal if you are hunting for an Assistant Professor positions or in the early stage of your academic career. Learn how to write successful grants and execute studies successfully from the world’s best.

For more information, or to apply, please visit our website at or

contact Janna Borden at (803) 576-6050 or

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