Calling on physical activists and physical activity experts – PLEASE HELP!

Guest blog by: Christine Neyndorff & Dr. Richard Weiler

The Hertfordshire County (United Kingdom) ‘Health and Wellbeing Board’ is a new partnership, which thinks it will deliver real improvements in people’s health and wellbeing, without physical activity being a priority. The Board has representatives from the National Health Service, councils and the Hertfordshire Local Involvement Network (LINk) (LINk has been set up ‘across England to help local people influence the way that their local healthcare and social services are planned and delivered’). The priorities were chosen as areas where ‘health service and local government can make a real difference by working together.’

A draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been launched for consultation (follow this link for more info).

[Please feel free to complete their online feedback form, but do email us at to let us know what you say and which organisation you represent so we can lobby as one.]

Physical activity is currently NOT considered a priority! It as not even evaluated to see whether it warranted being included in future strategy!

Physical activity should be a priority. The promotion of physical activity, with local healthcare and social services working together, will help reduce health inequalities for all ages and socioeconomic groups.   We also believe that increasing physical activity in the overall population will positively affect all 8 of the currently identified ‘health and wellbeing priority areas.’

The proposed 8 priority areas are:

  1. Tackling obesity
  2. Reducing smoking
  3. Managing long term conditions – to reduce the use of emergency care
  4. Supporting family carers
  5. Promoting good mental health – including helping people live well with dementia
  6. Helping families facing multiple problems to thrive
  7. Reduce harm caused by drugs and alcohol
  8. Fulfilling lives for people with learning disabilities

We can influence the Health and Wellbeing Strategy by lobbying – sharing our collective concern. Together, we can improve the public health of residents in Hertfordshire County.

PLEASE support our campaign to get physical activity top of the priority list by:

  1. Emailing us at explaining why physical activity should be included as a top priority. If you would like to provide any references to explain why we would really like to hear from you.
  2.  Emailing us at if you live in Hertfordshire or know anyone influential in Hertfordshire that can help.
  3. Voting on the BJSM poll if you think tackling physical inactivity should be a top priority area for health and wellbeing in Hertfordshire.
  4. Tweeting this BJSM blog to gain more support


Thank you.


The Herts Sports and Physical Activity Partnership, known as HSP, was established in 2003 and our vision has remained simple and constant “Working together to encourage more people to be more active more often” . 

HSP is a voluntary organisation with a strategic board including representatives of local agencies and partners committed to working together to increase participation in sport and physical activity and promote the many benefits. The Board is supported by a small team of staff providing leadership and co-ordination to work more effectively together at county level.


Christine Neyndorff,  Director of HSP and Dr. Richard Weiler, “HSP Physical Activity Ambassador”


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