Shining a light on tendinopathy: expensive treatments vs established therapies

By Dr. Bert Fields


Photo of Daniela Hantuchova by Sasho

As a busy sports medicine physician I see an increasing number of patients pursuing unproven and often expensive treatments before they have tried established therapies with stronger evidence.  One example of this is a recent patient who saw advertising for a cold laser that they purchased from an internet site. The patient showed no progress with his tennis elbow until we saw him in the office and gave him a series of eccentric exercises and other standard treatment which quickly started a reversal of his problem.

In my opinion marketing and news stories which exaggerate the benefits of unproven therapies are leading patients to make bad choices.  Particularly for tendon injuries, patients are purchasing unproven devices or seeking injections with substances like platelet rich plasma or stem cells before they have done any established treatment.


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Bert Fields, MD is a professor for the UNC School of Medicine and directs the sports medicine fellowship at Cone Health system in Greensboro, NC.  He is a past president of AMSSM.

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