Feature issue on young people and sport — all the experts in one room!

The IOC has made many terrific contribution to sports medicine education and policy. We emphasize its partnership with the BJSM through the 2009-2012 Olympic cycle – the IOC has convened conferences on major topics and added tremendous value to the field by publishing summary documents in quarterly themed issues of BJSM. Lars Engebretsen is the editor of these 4 annual IOC issues that focus on Injury Prevention and Health Promotion. For example, the summary statement on non-contact ACL injuries has had well over 25,000 downloads –  just one example of great influence! But enough about the knee already – this blog is about kids!


Check the outcomes of February’s IOC Consensus Meeting on the health and fitness of young people through physical activity and sport. There is an authoritative Consensus Paper (free as editor’s choice).

Papers by Neil Armstrong and by Ulf Ekelund review the current levels of fitness and activity in young people. Have the kids really gone to pot?

How physical inactivity links with cardiovascular disease, obesity, bone health, mental health issues and sports injury are all captured in this issue.

And that’s just a taste! Check out the table of contents and Dr Margo Mountjoy’s overview of the role of sport in the health and fitness of young people.

Keeping with BJSM’s ongoing theme of ‘implementation’, there is also a paper examining ‘Context for Action’ — how various organizations and institutions can promote sport participation and address inactivity in youth.

Check it out! And remember, you can get an alert to our 3 times weekly blogs via Twitter – @BJSM_BMJ.

Did I mention the podcasts? Over 20 experts in sports medicine via the convenience of podcasts.

Enough for now! Have a great, injury-free and physically active day!

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