The Pelvic Girdle: An Integration of Clinical Expertise and Research, Guest Blog by Erin Macri (PT)

Book Review: The Pelvic Girdle, 4th edition by Diane Lee (major contributor Linda-Joy Lee)

Did you know that our understanding of how the pelvis moves has changed in just the last few years?

Of all the body regions I’ve treated clinically, I have always found the pelvic girdle to be the most complicated and even confusing in my practice. Whether in my entry-level training or even currently in professional development classes, I continue to receive a plethora of oft conflicting opinions about the pelvis. How can it be, in this age of technology and innovation, that various medical disciplines still cannot agree on whether or not the sacrum even moves? The pelvis continues to be under-recognized as a source of pain and limited function, and based on the confusion out there it remains challenging to know how best to care for our patients.

Diane Lee and Linda-Joy Lee have done an exceptional job of amalgamating a massive amount of complex information into a single source that is engaging, comprehensive and clinically relevant. They have managed to create an intriguing common thread through history, evolution, science and clinical practice in a way that both entertains and informs the reader. Rather than providing recipes or rules, they offer an effective clinical framework, the “Integrated Systems Model for Disability and Pain”, that fosters deep understanding of the many components (neuromotor, visceral, articular, myofascial, emotional) that influence “the person in the middle of the puzzle”.

With specific questions in mind, I found it easy to navigate through the book looking for answers. There were excellent photographs and even references to additional online resources including helpful video. For example, I particularly enjoyed exploring current concepts about how the sacrum moves in various functional activities; a review of various reasons why the head of the femur may be malaligned and how that would present clinically; and in what specific situations an SI belt might be useful and exactly how it should be used. Exercise prescription has evolved far beyond “TA” and the many examples of exercises to retrain poor motor control was exceptionally useful. There are also thoughtful updates on where we are in terms of other treatment modalities such as prolotherapy.

“The Pelvic Girdle” is a book for therapists who value the complexity of the human body, mind and spirit, who are committed to honing clinical skills that may already be well-developed, and who wish to enable patients to achieve a state of optimal health, function and performance.

Erin Macri MPT

Erin M Macri, BSc(Kin), MPT, is a Registered Physical Therapist and a Masters of Science Candidate in Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia/Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, Vancouver, Canada

PS: The new format for this 4th edition comes in both traditional hard copy text and online electronic text, enabling fast access and easy navigation through a wealth of information.

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