Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre website — Great online resource

The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre, located at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences has a diverse team of experts from the fields of exercise medicine, ortheopedics, epidemiology, biostatistics, and physiotherapy. Its led by professors Lars Engebretsen and Roald Bahr who are both renowned for their experience with national team and Olympic sports medicine. Cutting-edge researchers and advocates for evidence-based practice.

Want to know more about:

  • Injury patterns in World Cup freestyle skiing
  • Risk of injury in female youth football players
  • Outcomes of the first meeting of the 4 IOC Research Centres in Capetown

Check out their website NOW!  It’s a great online resource.

Also see:

Bahr’s warm up discussion on ACL injuries in BJSM


Engebresten’s insights on platelet-rich plasma and The importance of sports medicine for the Vancouver Olympic Games — also in past issues BJSM.

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