Concussion Consensus Statement is out!

Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008

It’s out! You can stop banging your head against a brick wall in frustration. Hosted by a chapter of editors of various journals, the much-awaited Consensus Statement is out. If you are into concussion, if you treat boxers, football players, heavy metal fans who head bang, then this is for you. Vienna – OUT. Prague – OUT. Passe, done, finished kaput. The equivalent of flares and a brown suede coat for a contemporary wedding.

Zurich – BJSM carries the joint statement but also the excellent key papers that made the event unique and innovative; papers the contributed to the group drawing the conclusions they did. Download the SCAT document and side-line scoring system. Everything you wanted to know about concussion – right here, right now – BJSM Concussion. Comment on the Blog or via eletters – Do these guidelines work for you? What else do you need to take care of your athletes?

Proceedings of the 3rd International Concussion Consensus Conference

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