BJSM E-letter Re: Anterior cruciate ligament injury rehabilitation

By May Arna Risberg, Havard Moksnes, Annika Storevold, Inger Holm, and Lynn Snyder-Mackler

I work in the rehab field by 18 years with a direct experience of ACL rehabs of more than 600 cases. It’s absolutely normal that after 60 days people can’t jump like before surgery. In my experience, I use testing ACL patients, first time, after 90 days from surgery for side to side impairment with isokinetic, electronic balance board and jump test with optic fiber. Often in the first two tests we find an average good balance.It’s not the same for the jump test. Usually we start dynamic rehab later for post surgery purposes.

That’s the reason because after 60 days is very difficult to have a complete recovery, even in a functional movement like the jump. And that’s the reason because is very difficult come back to competition before than four months, especially in the pivot-shift sports.

Kind regards,
Fulvio Stradijot

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