It’s National Obesity Awareness Week and now more than ever we need action.

By Stephen Morrison @HowManyMiles_ Now more than ever, we need action to prevent the growing trend in obesity and inactivity. Consider this as we encourage you and your peers to sign up for the UK’s National Obesity Forum’s JanUary campaign. Solutions put forward over ten years ago, are still being called for in new reports. […]

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Zero to 25,000 steps a day: My personal story (and numbers) of lifestyle, and physical transformation

By Stephen Morrison @howmanymiles_ “People remember dead babies,” not the most heart-warming of statements, but one that Professor Karim Khan used to illustrate a point in a recent presentation; point being that you will remember an emotional story or event more than a set of statistics. The audience at the FSEM and BASEM Walk 500 miles […]

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