Konstantin Krasovsky Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC-Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine krasovskyk@gmail.com On April 17, 2013 Philip Morris International (PMI) issued a press release, based on an annual study conducted by KPMG. PMI claimed the most significant finding of the study is that: “For the sixth year in a row, the illegal trade of cigarettes in […]
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Tobacco harm reduction and e-cigarettes: setting a unified research agenda
Marisa de Andrade & Gerard Hastings Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling marisa.deandrade1@stir.ac.uk Recent discussions about an endgame for tobacco have built on a sense that we in the tobacco control (TC) movement know where we are going. The consistent application of evidence based strategies, from adbans to tax increases, was, it seemed, […]
Ireland joins tobacco plain packaging leaders
According to New Europe: “It is with great pleasure that I announce, ahead of World No Tobacco Day on Friday, that I have received Government approval to begin the process of introducing standardised/plain packaging of tobacco products in Ireland. While many arguments will be made against such an introduction, I am confident that this legislation […]
Timor-Leste: Asia’s newest country in Marlboro’s sights as company targets growth markets
Mary Assunta Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance At its annual shareholder meeting in New York on 8 May, Philip Morris International (PMI) celebrated yet another successful year selling tobacco in more than 180 markets. In 2012 the company shipped 927 billion cigarettes, and earned revenue of more than $31 billion. It applauded the fact its […]
#keeptheban: Welsh Government drops contested proposal to amend smokefree premises legislation
Rosanne Palmer Ash Wales/Ash Cymru Editors note: this is an update to a blog post published on 3 May about a proposed amendment to Wales’ smoke free legislation to allow cast members to smoke on film and television sets. The Welsh Government announced on 15 May that the proposals were being dropped. This move followed a […]
Japan Society for Tobacco Control warns against appointing ex tobacco executive to national broadcaster
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New study: partial smoking bans in hotels fail to protect guests from tobacco smoke
Non-smokers should shun hotels operating partial smoking bans, advise authors Non-smoking rooms in hotels operating a partial smoking ban don’t protect their occupants from tobacco smoke, reveals new research published online in Tobacco Control. [Thirdhand smoke and exposure in California hotels: non-smoking rooms fail to protect non-smoking hotel guests from tobacco smoke exposure Online First […]
Philip Morris & IBM IMPROVER project: downplaying links between smoking & disease
Chris Bostic Action on Smoking and Health (US) Home I wonder if Philip Morris International (PMI) researchers have studied the ‘length of public memory.’ If so, the resulting answer seems to be ‘about 15 years.’ That’s how long it has been since the Tobacco Institute closed its doors, after 40 years of obfuscating the science […]
UK: Government condemned for bowing to tobacco industry over plain packs
Author credit: Marita Hefler and Stan Shatenstein On 2 May, the Sun newspaper reported that the UK government had decided to abandon cigarette plain packaging legislation. An announcement about the legislation had been widely tipped to be included in the Queen’s speech at the start of the next parliamentary session on 8 May. No other […]
#keeptheban campaign: Saying no to amending Wales’ smokefree premises legislation
Rosanne Palmer, ASH Wales In July 2012, on the same day that the National Assembly for Wales approved point of sale display bans for tobacco products in Welsh stores, the Welsh Government laid an amendment to Wales’ smokefree premises legislation to allow cast members to smoke on set for film and television productions. This move […]