The decision on 19 May 2016 by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales to dismiss the legal challenges brought by the four multinational tobacco companies against the UK’s tobacco plain packaging legislation was a major blow to the industry. The 386 page ruling addresses a wide range of legal claims and evidence; […]
Category: Uncategorized
Obituary: Yul Francisco Dorado, a visionary tobacco control leader in Latin America
Latin America, and the global tobacco control community, lost a champion of public health on 1 May 2016. Yul Francisco Dorado was born in Popayán, in southwest Colombia, where he completed his studies in Law and Political Science. At a young age he became interested in the right to health and environment. He became a […]
World No Tobacco Day 2016: Get Ready for Plain Packaging
This year for World No Tobacco Day, the World Health Organization is urging governments to build on advertising and promotion bans by introducing plain packaging of tobacco products. The measure is the next logical step in stripping away any hint of glamour associated with smoking. It is also an important way of preventing packaging creating misleading suggestions of […]
Tobacco Control Podcast
In the latest TC podcast Becky Freeman talks to Dr Robert McMillen about his paper in Tobacco Control entitled “Public support for raising the age of sale for tobacco to 21 in the United States”. They discuss where the public support is the most strong and some surprising findings for people ages 18-24. Other podcast […]
New Zealand study: Dissuasive cigarette sticks – the next step in standardised (‘plain’) packaging?
A study published by Tobacco Control in December 2015 by a team of New Zealand and Australian researchers explored extending the concept of plain packaging one step further – to the cigarette stick itself. New Zealand is moving towards introducing plain packaging; incorporating dissuasive cigarette sticks would put it at the forefront of innovative tobacco […]
Tobacco industry attacks WHO, but only incriminates itself
Mary Assunta, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance The tobacco industry lost the health argument 50 years ago, and in the past decade the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) developed the antidote to reverse the smoking epidemic. However the tobacco industry is stepping up direct attacks, particularly at WHO. Recently the industry took […]
Last Dance
Powerful anti-tobacco ad from Cancer Council Tasmania. A systematic review of the economic evaluations of tobacco control mass media campaigns show such campaigns offer good value for money. Please feel welcome to share ads you think are helping smokers quit. […]
Point of Sale Display: A Call to Action on Prohibition of Tobacco Products in Nepal
By Amrit Banstola and Ashik Banstola In Nepal, tobacco products are smoked, inhaled, chewed, and sucked in many different forms. All forms of these tobacco products seriously damage health. In a situation where the country is undergoing a shift in burden from infectious diseases to chronic diseases, Non-Communicable Diseases [NCDs] caused by tobacco are increasingly […]
World Head & Neck Cancer Day, 27 July: A call for effective tobacco & areca nut control
Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi, Professor and Head and Neck Surgeon at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India. Head and cancers are a major cause of death and disability globally, and the most common cancer in low-income countries. To draw the world’s attention to effective care and control of head and neck cancers, the International Federation of Head […]
Victory for tobacco’s victims. Victory for public health. Victory for society.
by Cynthia Callard Directrice, Service d’information sur les procès du tabac Association pour la santé publique du Québec “Knowingly exposing people to the type of dangers that the Companies knew cigarettes represented without any precaution signals being sent is beyond irresponsible at any time of the Class Period. It is also intentionally negligent.” Justice Brian […]