This American Life

Blog by Allison Ruff I started listening to This American Life, a weekly, slice-of-life radio program and podcast, when I was thirteen.  It’s the soundtrack to my early-morning car rides into the clinic, my afternoons running to the medical school to teach, and my evenings attempting a quick workout before putting my kids to bed. […]

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Book review by Laura Grace Simpkins Tiffany Atkinson. Bloodaxe Books, 2021. ISBN 978-1-78037-530-4. Morphine, ‘magnolias of paperwork’, and hammocks: these are a few of the things touched on by Tiffany Atkinson in her fourth collection of poems, Lumen. The publication is divided into two parts: a sequence followed by standalones—including many that star Otto, Atkinson’s […]

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Access to Covid Protection Among the Swedish Public—Who Has It and What They Get: Lessons Learned from Ongoing Research

Blog by Rui Liu, Susanne Lundin, Talieh Mirsalehi and Margareta Troein Already in early spring 2020, Interpol reported that large amounts of falsified Covid-19 protection devices were in circulation.1 Now, in the beginning of 2021, the global spread of unapproved Covid-19 medicines – including vaccines – is on the rise.2 As our multi-disciplinary research group […]

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Life, Art, Cancer: Living to the Fullest

Podcast with Arabella Proffer It is will pleasure that I introduce this latest podcast, a conversation between myself and my long-time friend, Arabella Proffer. She is an artist, author, and co-founder of the indie label Elephant Stone Records. Her work combines interests in portraiture, visionary art, the history of medicine, and biomorphic abstraction. Arabella is […]

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That Which Cannot Be Seen Must Be Heard: Testimonial Injustice and Narrative Humility

Blog by Leah Teresa Rosen “Invisible illnesses”—like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and other conditions that cannot be reliably measured or quantified—present a unique challenge to clinicians and caretakers alike. In American culture, we operate under the idea that seeing is believing, almost to a fault. We should not have to witness or experience something first-hand before […]

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Beyond Physical and Psychological Health: Philosophical Health

Blog by Luis de Miranda We think we know what physical health and psychological health are, but what is philosophical health and why should it matter? The phrase “physical health” is nowadays considered self-evident. However, it became part of modern discourse only in the nineteenth century, along the publication of manuals such as Health Made […]

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Designing for the Body: SCALED wearable Technology

SCALED is a flexible, high-performance, protective wearables inspired by nature–and created by Natalie Kerres. In today’s podcast, we discuss the design and also the future of such tech. Listen in on Soundcloud, and read more about the project below, where we have included video and visuals. Contact SCALED through their webpage for more. LISTEN NOW […]

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