March 2019 Standard Issue

Genetics Molar Pregnancies and Medieval Ideas of Monstrous Births The Lump of Flesh in The King of Tars
by Dr. Natalie Goodison

Sensing Space and Making Place: The Hospital and Therapeutic Landscapes in Two Cancer Narratives
by Dr. Victoria Bates

Feet and Fertility in the Healing Temples: A Symbolic Communication System Between Gods and Men?
by Silvia Marinozzi

Lessons from Frankenstein: Narrative Myth as Ethical Model
by Yvette Koepke

From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Absolute Dependence in an Intensive Care Unit. Reflections on a Clinical Account
by Tina Catherine Sideris

Sophistry in American Medicine? Platonic Reflections on Expertise, Influence and the Public’s Health in the Democratic Context
by Evan V Goldstein

The Politics of Female Pain: Women’s Citizenship, Twilight Sleep and the Early Birth Control Movement
by Dr. Lauren MacIvor Thompson

Being Well Together: Human-Animal Collaboration, Companionship and the Promotion of Health and Wellbeing
by Robert Kirk, Neil Pemberton and Tom Quick

When Pigs Fly Emotional Support Animals, Service Dogs and the Politics of Legitimacy across Species Boundaries
by Justyna Wlodarczyk

Acting by Persuasion; Values and Rhetoric in Medical Certificates of Work Incapacity; A Qualitative Document Analysis
by Guri Aarseth

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