Patient data for companies: Patient privacy, private profits and the public good

By Adrian Thorogood and Eva Winkler. Our paper tackles a question that policymakers and public healthcare systems are wrestling with around the world: should for-profit companies be given access to medical data derived from patients for research? In public healthcare systems, medical data is generated as part of the routine care of patients, and through […]

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Data for Sale, But Who’s Buying?

By Mackenzie Graham When the history of the Covid-19 pandemic is eventually written, one of the major themes will likely be the important role of ‘big data’. From early discussions about ‘r-rates’, to daily updates on new cases, hospitalisations, and deaths, to consternation about contact tracing apps, and more recently, rates of vaccination, data has […]

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Can research participants break from the chain of traditional data sharing consent?

By Vasiliki Rahimzadeh In their recent article, Mann et al. propose to share biomedical research data more widely, securely and efficiently using blockchain technologies. Used to power cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain and the wider group of distributed ledger technologies provide new ways of exchanging data, including sensitive data such as health data, in that […]

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Sharing Patient Data for Research – a Matter Of Trust

By Rob Lawrence. Through a unique deliberative process involving public participation, we arrive at some conclusions which initially I found surprising (even counter-intuitive) about how best to foster trust in a large organisation such as the NHS, especially where use of patient data plays a key role in research. Using formal guidelines, ethics committees and […]

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