Why ‘gestaticide’ is morally equivalent to infanticide

By Daniel Rodger, Nicholas Colgrove, Bruce P. Blackshaw Artificial womb technology may one day permit a fetus to be surgically removed from its mother’s body and placed into an artificial environment, mimicking life in utero. Following Elizabeth Chloe Romanis, let’s call the subjects living inside artificial wombs ‘gestatelings.’ An important question that arises is how […]

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Expanding insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization with pre-implantation genetic testing

By Madison K. Kilbride When prospective parents learn that they’re at risk of passing a genetic condition to their future children, they’re often very concerned. Currently, there are two ways to ensure that one’s biological children do not inherit a hereditary condition. The first is to conceive naturally, use prenatal diagnosis to test the fetus […]

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The public provision of ARTs in England: old arguments, new inequalities

By Laura O’Donovan and Sacha Waxman Criticism of the disparities in the public provision of fertility treatment in England is nothing new. The so-called ‘IVF postcode lottery’ emerged due to widespread divergence in local commissioning policies restricting access to treatment services. Unfairness in that process results not only from the different amounts of treatment available in […]

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