Evidence based practice is in danger from litigation: the case of the American Pain Society

  Amelia Swift is a nurse lecturer at the University of Birmingham and a member of Council for the British Pain Society. The National Health Service constitution sets out the patient’s right to safe, effective and evidence-based care (1). Professional codes of conduct such as the Code (2) for nurses and midwives make it clear […]

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Managing pain in children: developing a robust evidence base

Dr Joanna Smith, Associate Professor, Child Nursing, University of Leeds, UK Advances in our knowledge on the safe and effective use of analgesia in children have increased over the past decade. A recent EBN commentary that reviewed a randomised controlled trail on the effectiveness of oral morphine compared to ibuprofen administered at home for postoperative orthopaedic pain […]

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Treating pain during pregnancy and breast feeding

This week’s EBN Twitter Chat on Weds 19th April at 8-9pm UK time will focus on pain during pregnancy, how important and difficult is to treat pain during pregnancy and breast feeding. The Twitter Chat will be hosted by Dr Massimo Allegri, Assistant Professor in Anesthesia Intensive Care and Pain Medicine at the University of Parma […]

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Mission Possible – Putting Neonatal Pain Knowledge into Action

Dr Denise Harrison (RN, PhD), Associate Professor, Chair in Nursing Care of Children, Youth and Families, University of Ottawa &  Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute dharrison@cheo.on.ca OR denise.harrison@uottawa.ca This week’s EBN Twitter Chat is being held on Tuesday August 16th from 1100-1200 (Pacific Daylight Time), between 1900-2000 (British Summer Time) and is a joint venture […]

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Managing Pain in Children: Helping to Improve the Use of Evidence in Practice

Alison Twycross (@alitwy), Head of Department for Children’s Nursing and Professor of Children’s Nursing, London South Bank University I have been editor of Evidence Based Nursing since August 2010 and during that time I have worked with a team of associate editors to make the evidence to guide practice more accessible to nurses working in clinical practice. […]

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Issues in Neonatal Pain

It is a great pleasure to introduce this week’s guess bloggers: Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo (@drmcampbellyeo) and Dr Denise Harrison (@dharrisonCHEO), will also be co-leading this week’s ENB twitter chat on Wednesday the 7th of October between 8-9pm UK time focusing on ‘Issue in Neonatal pain’. Participating in the twitter chat requires a Twitter account; if […]

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