Developing red flags for suicide from linked information to better support clinical judgement and prevent young person suicide

In this week’s blog Nadine Dougall (Professor at Edinburgh Napier University) and Jan Savinc (Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University) share their work looking at childhood adversity and mental health admissions to hospital prior to suicide (The CHASE study).   Suicide is a major cause of death for young people worldwide, with wide-ranging impacts relevant to […]

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Dying and Death in intensive care unit in South Korea

Dr Hye Ri Choi is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong. She earned her PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2021. Dr Choi’s research focuses on qualitative approaches in the fields of palliative care and critical care One of my clinical experiences in a South Korean intensive care unit (ICU) that […]

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International Day of the Midwife 2024; reflecting on midwifery’s position in the global community in the era of climate change.

By Elizabeth Bailey, EBN’s Associate Editor for Midwifery and Women’s Health The 5th May marks International Day of the Midwife. This is an opportunity to reflect on the contribution the profession of midwifery makes to the global community. For midwives, it is an opportunity to celebrate the work of colleagues and contemporaries around the world […]

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‘What was I made for?’ Navigating the a clinical academic career as an early career researcher.

This week’s blog is part of the ‘Early Career Researchers'(ECRs) theme. Dr Gearóid Brennan is the Lead Psychiatric Liaison Nurse at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. He is an early career researcher, having achieved his PhD in 2021. Gearóid reflects on his journey of being an ECR while maintaining a clinical career and offers some […]

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Empowering patients and families to escalate worries and concerns.

The NHS England pilot project at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust In this week’s blog Debra Ritsperis Head of Quality @DRitsperis, Isolde Newbury ACRT @AcuteResponse, Rebecca Wood Paediatric Matron @becky_RWood, Kaylea Roffe Data Manager @roffe_kaylea, Natalie Tomms Communications Lead, Dr Kerry Gaskin @GaskinKerry, outline how the project team including Suzie Cro Deputy Director of Quality […]

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EBN Spotlight: Cold homes and their impact of mental health

This EBN Spotlight introduces our new podcast (here) with Dr Kimberley O’Sullivan (Senior Research Fellow, University of Otago) and Dr Ben Parkinson (Deputy Editor, EBN). Kimberly is an expert on fuel poverty and health and has published widely on the topic (here). This podcast is an excellent opportunity to hear Kimberly share her knowledge on […]

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Nursing is high on the UK Stroke Agenda – conference round up from UK Stroke Forum 2023

This week’s blog sees the return of our conference roundup blog. This week, it’s a roundup from the UK Stroke Forum, 4-6th December 2023, Birmingham, UK. The UK Stroke Forum is the UK’s largest multidisciplinary conference for stroke professionals. It is held each year in a UK city, and this year saw the turn of […]

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Advice for Creating Educational Podcasts for Nursing

In this blog Dr Amelia Swift (University of Birmingham) and Bronwyn Tarrant (University of Melbourne) talk about creating podcasts for nurses. Please follow them on social media @nurseswift @AdvinRes   Podcasts are increasingly popular, which makes pedagogical podcasting tempting. It is relatively easy to make and publish a podcast, but just because you can do […]

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Are we making progress in helping the ‘missing millions’? Is collaboration and unifying voices the key to success?

Written by Dr Ruth E Barker, Dr Nicola Roberts, Ms Lisa Dow & Mr Russell Winwood           Back in 2019, Nicola wrote a blog about World COPD Day1. Since then, World COPD Day efforts have grown, and the national day has become gradually more supported on social media and more widely. However, […]

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