International Day of the Midwife 2024; reflecting on midwifery’s position in the global community in the era of climate change.

By Elizabeth Bailey, EBN’s Associate Editor for Midwifery and Women’s Health The 5th May marks International Day of the Midwife. This is an opportunity to reflect on the contribution the profession of midwifery makes to the global community. For midwives, it is an opportunity to celebrate the work of colleagues and contemporaries around the world […]

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More action needed to reduce global maternal mortality

This week EBN’s Associate Editor Elizabeth Bailey summarises a recent report on global maternal mortality and considers drivers impacting progress in global maternal safety. In recent months, a report describing estimates of global maternity mortality rates was published jointly by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and UNDESA/Population Division [1]. The report entitled Trends in […]

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Social Media and Healthcare Professionals – a new way of communicating?

Daring to utter the words ‘social media’ amongst a group of healthcare professionals can often prompt the same response as the infamous ‘q’ word*. Whilst pained sighs, words of concern or even just uncomfortable silences might be how we respond, are we turning our backs on possible answers to the known failures in communication across […]

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Sleep deprivation and its relationship with the development of postpartum psychosis

By Lexi Ilgner-McEvoy – Midwife, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Lucy Flatley – Midwifery Lecturer, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds @lucycflatley Postpartum mood disorders are of major clinical and public health concern in the United Kingdom, where suicide is the leading cause of maternal death. The most recent MBRRACE-UK report highlighted a statistically […]

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A Snapshot of a Day in the Life of… a Maternity Clinical Risk Manager

This week’s Blog is written by Lana Jones-Sandy (@ljsan1) maternity risk manager at North Middlesex University hospital and @FNightingaleF Scholar in 2021. In the blog Lana reflects on a day in the life of a maternity clinical risk manager. In February 2022 Lana starts a two day a week secondment opportunity with NHS E/NHSI – […]

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The importance of supporting women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum to promote their emotional wellbeing

By Rachael Buabeng, Hyperemesis Gravidarum & Maternal health advocate, Ocean Service People Engagement Worker (East London Foundation Trust – Maternal Mental Health Services), Maternity Transformation Programme Service User Voice, Co-chair on the Black and Black-mixed heritage Maternity Voice Partnership for Homerton (City & Hackney), Maternal Health Research Engagement Consultant, Founder of Mummy’s Day Out. @BuabengRachael […]

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Preparing for Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October 2021

  Sam Collinge, Bereavement Lead Midwife at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton reflects on her role supporting families who have been affected by pregnancy and baby loss and talks about Baby Loss Awareness Week. Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 Oct) brings together health care professionals, international bereavement charities, support and counselling organisations to give anyone touched by […]

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Professional Advocates: Investing in practitioners to achieve excellence in service delivery

By Vanessa Whatley, @whatleyvj : Deputy Chief Nurse, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Lisa Stephens ,@sagefemme2000 : Lead Midwife for  Education, University of Worcester, and Michelle Sterry, @michelleSterry2 :  Lecturer in Midwifery, University of Worcester The role of the Professional Advocate (PA) is a vehicle for deploying the four elements of the Advocating for Education […]

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Postpartum psychosis: beyond the baby blues and postpartum depression

  In this latest blog in our spotlight on maternal mental health Dr Amy Perry, Research Psychologist from the Mood Disorders Research Group, University of Worcester, provides an overview of postpartum psychosis. New mothers are vulnerable to mood disturbances within the first year of childbirth. In more severe cases, these episodes can negatively affect not only […]

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