EBN are excited to share Joanne Agnelli’s latest blog which focuses on the appropriate use of language in dementia care. Joanne @JoanneAgnelli is a dementia services quality manager from Four Seasons Health Care. This year she has presented her work at the Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference (Perth, Australia), The Alzheimer’s Show (London, England) and is […]
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Lauren’s Student Nursing Experience
On Wednesday 2nd September (8pm-9pm UK time) @EBNursingBMJ is co-hosting a twitter chat on student nursing and midwifery with @RCNStudents To celebrate the contributions our student nurses/midwives make – we are sharing blogs of their experiences in practice. Today’s blog is from Lauren James a second year student nurse from Birmingham City University Hello! I’m Lauren. I am 20 years […]
Blog no longer available
This blog is no longer available and has been removed. […]
Katie’s Student Nursing Experience
On Wednesday 2nd September (8pm-9pm UK time) @EBNursingBMJ is co-hosting a twitter chat on student nursing and midwifery with @RCNStudents To celebrate the contributions our student nurses/midwives make – we are sharing blogs of their experiences in practice. Today’s blog is from Katie Eckert, a third year student nurse from the University of Derby Before I started nursing […]
Anna’s Student Nursing Experience
On Wednesday 2nd September (8pm-9pm UK time) @EBNursingBMJ is co-hosting a twitter chat on student nursing and midwifery with @RCNStudents To celebrate the contributions our student nurses/midwives make – we are sharing blogs of their experiences in practice. Today’s blog is from Anna Jones, a second year student nurse on the children’s branch, from the University of Leeds […]
Implementing Acupuncture in NP Practice
By Roberta Heale, Associate Editor EBN, @robertaheale, @EBNursingBMJ A few months ago I blogged about taking courses in acupuncture. At that time, I promised to blog again about my experience in implementing acupuncture into my primary healthcare nurse practitioner practice. I had been frustrated by the lack of options for people with chronic pain and […]
International Family Nursing Association
Kathleen A. Knafl, PhD, FAAN is Co-chair 12th International Family Nursing Conference, Treasurer Elect International Family Nursing Association, Frances Hill Fox Distinguished Professor, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Formally incorporated in 2009, the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA), began as an group of international nurses who have met periodically […]
Family Nursing: Learning from each other across the globe
Dr Veronica Swallow PhD, MMedSci, RSCN, RGN is Associate Professor in Child, Young Person and Family Healthcare at the University of Leeds, UK, and the International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC) 12 Country Liaison Coordinator for Europe (except Portugal/Spain) Japan, South Africa and member of the IFNC12 Conference Planning Committee What is a family? Ideas about […]
A Birth Partner Checklist
Steve Hogarth, Senior Lecturer Midwifery, University of Huddersfield Having a baby in the UK is the safest it has ever been. However, women and babies are still being exposed to substantial and sometimes multiple avoidable harms, during labour and birth. Human factors, working culture, communication and teamwork are key themes associated with avoidable harm in […]
Effect of early clamping of the cord on neonatal circulation
Charlotte Kenyon, Senior Lecturer and Midwife, University of Huddersfield The Hungarian obstetrician and midwife Agnes Gereb said that you can measure the freedom of a country by its freedom to birth. Within the UK we are fortunate that despite the budgetary and staffing constraints currently being experienced across the National Health Service, there are still […]