Developing red flags for suicide from linked information to better support clinical judgement and prevent young person suicide

In this week’s blog Nadine Dougall (Professor at Edinburgh Napier University) and Jan Savinc (Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University) share their work looking at childhood adversity and mental health admissions to hospital prior to suicide (The CHASE study).   Suicide is a major cause of death for young people worldwide, with wide-ranging impacts relevant to […]

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Our Children are Suffering

Dr Helen Noble, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery and Mr Ian Walsh, Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast We live and work in a busy, often demanding world and face a number of challenges with potential to increase stress and impact our wellbeing. Among these challenges are […]

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Managing pain in children: developing a robust evidence base

Dr Joanna Smith, Associate Professor, Child Nursing, University of Leeds, UK Advances in our knowledge on the safe and effective use of analgesia in children have increased over the past decade. A recent EBN commentary that reviewed a randomised controlled trail on the effectiveness of oral morphine compared to ibuprofen administered at home for postoperative orthopaedic pain […]

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Mobilising identity through social media; psychosocial support for young people with life limiting conditions outside of the care setting

George Peat, PhD student based in the School of Healthcare, University of Leeds. Interested in predominantly qualitative research that explores perceptions of the self, @gpeat1 Join our EBN Twitter Chat on Wednesday the 7th of March 2018, 8-9pm UK time, which will focus on social media as a psychosocial support for young people with life limiting […]

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Safeguarding Looked after Children- Does Looked After mean safe?

Lin Graham-Ray Designated Nurse Looked After Children @LinGrahamRay1 This weeks EBN Twitter chat Wednesday 20th September 2017 between 8 pm and 9 pm (UK time) on ‘Safeguarding Looked after children- Does Looked After mean safe’ will focus on the concept of safeguarding vulnerable children in the care system and challenge the conception that once in care safeguarding […]

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Family Nursing: Transforming Health for Families

  Dr Joanna Smith, Lecturer Children’s Nursing, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, UK I have had a busy few months – conference season always seems to coincide with a busy period of student assessments & juggling commitments, with a never again often following a frenetic few months. Then I reflect on what I have […]

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Treating pain during pregnancy and breast feeding

This week’s EBN Twitter Chat on Weds 19th April at 8-9pm UK time will focus on pain during pregnancy, how important and difficult is to treat pain during pregnancy and breast feeding. The Twitter Chat will be hosted by Dr Massimo Allegri, Assistant Professor in Anesthesia Intensive Care and Pain Medicine at the University of Parma […]

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‘Losing the child’s voice’ and ‘the captive mother’- an inevitable legacy of family-centred care?

This week’s EBN Twitter Chat on Wednesday 4th January between 8-9 pm (UK time) in conjunction with @WeCYPnurses will focus on child & family centred care. The chat wll be lead by Professor Linda Shields (@lshields50), Charles Stuart University, Australia; Professor Philip Darbyshire (@PDarbyshire), global healthcare consultant; Sarah Neil (@SarahNeill7) University of Northampton, UK; and Dr […]

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Mission Possible – Putting Neonatal Pain Knowledge into Action

Dr Denise Harrison (RN, PhD), Associate Professor, Chair in Nursing Care of Children, Youth and Families, University of Ottawa &  Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute OR This week’s EBN Twitter Chat is being held on Tuesday August 16th from 1100-1200 (Pacific Daylight Time), between 1900-2000 (British Summer Time) and is a joint venture […]

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The Power of a Parent’s Touch on Newborn Procedural Pain

Dr Marsha Campbell-Yeo PhD RN, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Associate Professor and Clinician Scientist, School of Nursing, Departments of Pediatrics, Psychology and Neuroscience, Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre No parent wants to see his or her child experience pain. Sadly, for parents of sick or preterm babies requiring hospital care, it’s a common event with preterm and sick babies […]

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