My background is very different from most sports medicine practitioners and researchers. I am a licensed massage therapist, reiki master, entrepreneur, Hip Hop culture educator, bgirl, podcast host, and spa consultant.

I started breaking (better known as breakdancing) in the late 90s with my biological sisters. We broke many gender boundaries as an all-female crew, and I danced competitively for two decades. I am currently a licensed Olympic Judge for breaking, which debuted at the Youth Olympics in Buenas Aires in 2018 and will be represented in the 2024 Games in Paris.




In 2012 I co-founded Child of this Culture Foundation (COTC), an arts & culture nonprofit, with my twin sister, Cindy Foley. Fast forward to 2021, COTC expanded to support breaking as an emerging sport in the USA. I also have a hip hop lifestyle brand called Bbaby™ that consists of educational courses, books, and products. You can find my book “I am Hip Hop” on Amazon and my podcast “Souls of Hip Hop” on all podcast platforms.

Clinically, I  have worked in Miami, Orlando, and Boston with celebrities, professional athletes, research & sports medicine teams, spanning dance, basketball, soccer, football, running, and golf since 2007. I currently have a private practice in Switzerland helping professionals in all industries prevent burnout and live more fully.



What is your primary area of research / clinical expertise? 

I specialize in neuromuscular therapy, fascia rehabilitation, somatic therapy, and reiki. My research interest lies in the health and risk management of youth and adult hip hop dancers. Presently, my focus is on research for injury surveillance (COTC), injury prevention (with Project Breakalign), and judging systems for breaking (COTC).


What is your motivation to be a member of the BOSEM team?

My motivation is to support the team’s goals with my presence, experience, and perspective. I represent Latinx, Polynesian, and Hip Hop women and hope that my contributions will inspire Latinx, Polynesian, and Hip Hop youth to pursue a sport and exercise medicine path. I am thrilled to join a diverse team and look forward to creating long-lasting positive relationships and gaining a better understanding of my peers’ work. It is a huge opportunity to access the latest research and share it with communities that may not have that privilege.


What is a work-related accomplishment that you’re proud of?

I remember telling my professor that I wanted to work on elite professional athletes when I was in school. He told me that I should not consider myself professional until I had worked on at least one thousand different bodies. This number felt massive, but I accepted the challenge and started counting. Within the first few years, I surpassed this goal and eventually stopped counting after 5000 clients. I am proud to have worked with many world-class professional athletes. Still, the work I am doing now in support of developing an emerging sport and creating infrastructure to support the health, safety, and wellbeing of breakers makes me the most appreciative.


Who has influenced you most regarding how you approach your work? 

In 2012 I lost my brother, Jose, to mental illness, and in 2015 I survived a threat to my life. These events would change the course of my work. I was left broken in every way. I became a detective looking for the best practices that could allow me to recover and thrive. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to many mentors in the form of books, doctors, massage therapists, spiritual healers, acupuncturists, and coaches. The knowledge I gained gave me the tools to heal and help others. I also have a very supportive family. My mom, sisters, and husband’s encouragement have been among the most influential factors of my unique sports and exercise medicine path.

Finally, Bruce Lee’s idea of constantly exploring and improving his own experience was key to his way of life. This quote continues to be a mantra for me, and I share it as a gentle reminder to whoever reads this today:

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.”

Links below to some of those influential people in my life

Sonia King -Mitchell  LMT  Nicole Halkides LMT Laura Mayhew LMT 

Bessel van der Kolk M.D. Peter Levine Bob Cooley Mastin Kipp

Chad Bailey Acupuncture Physician & Martial Arts Instructor

Bruce Lee Daisaku Ikeda


What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

My favourite way to unwind is to dance to my husband’s Soulidarity mix on Soundcloud, a mix of funk, hip hop, house, and Latin music in my living room or kitchen.

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