Oestrogen levels linked to risk of COVID-19 death in older women

May be worth exploring hormone therapy to reduce infection severity, say researchers An older woman’s oestrogen levels may be linked to her chances of dying from COVID-19, with higher levels of the hormone seemingly protective against severe infection, suggests research published in the open access journal BMJ Open. It may be worth exploring supplemental hormone treatment […]

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COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy linked to childhood trauma

3 times more likely among those with experience of 4 or more trauma types Reluctance or refusal to get jabbed against COVID-19 infection (vaccine hesitancy), may be linked to traumatic events in childhood, such as neglect, domestic violence or substance misuse in the family home, suggests research published in the open access journal BMJ Open. Vaccine […]

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Top 10 Most Read in December 2021: Housework and cognitive function, COVID-19 experts in the media, and the association of chronic and periodontal diseases.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy New Year. Although 2022 is well underway, there is still time to take a moment to reflect on 2021. The pandemic continues to be an ever evolving situation, so as we look back at our most read papers of December 2021, articles […]

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‘Frequent attenders’ comprise 4 in every 10 family doctor consultations in England

They visit their GP 5 times as often as other patients on practice lists Proportion of these patients has risen over past two decades ‘Frequent attenders’ now make up around 4 in every 10 family doctor (GP) consultations in England, and the proportion of such patients has risen over the past two decades, reveals a […]

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Third of first year university students have moderate to severe depression/anxiety

Upping drug use linked to heightened risk; sense of belonging linked to lower risk Around a third of first year university students have or develop moderate to severe anxiety and/or depression, suggests the first study of its kind, published in the open access journal BMJ Open. Increasing use of prescription (but not prescribed) and illicit drug […]

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World AIDS Day 2021

  Today marks the annual World AIDS Day, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1987. The theme for this year’s awareness day is “End inequalities. End AIDS.”  Apart from COVID-19, HIV/AIDS remains the only other ongoing pandemic affecting the world today. In stark contrast to COVID-19, HIV vaccines largely remain in development, though […]

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Top 10 Most Read in October 2021: adherence to non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 interventions, intellectual disabilities and COVID-19 outcomes, and pandemic-related community mental health

In October we welcomed three new papers into the top ten most read, all of which relate to different aspects of COVID-19. Adherence to non-pharmaceutical measures against COVID-19 The highest new entry in October is a study of factors that influence adherence to non-pharmaceutical measures against COVID-19 such as social distancing, working from home and […]

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Housework linked to sharper memory and better falls protection in older adults

Findings independent of other types of regular physical activity Housework is linked to sharper memory, attention span, and better leg strength, and by extension, greater protection against falls, in older adults, finds research published in the open access journal BMJ Open. The findings were independent of other regular recreational and workplace physical activities, and active commuting. […]

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World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021

Source: WHO (https://who.canto.global/v/campaigns/album/VH579).   At BMJ Open, we wish to highlight events and topics of significance to our readers. Today saw the launch of the annual Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18-24 November 2021), promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2015. The theme for this year’s awareness week is “Spread awareness, stop resistance.” A series […]

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