What does COP26 mean for health leaders? by Rebecca Taylor-Smith, Sarah Walpole and colleagues

What will healthcare look like in 2050? Planetary health refers to the health of human civilisation and the state of natural systems on which it depends.  How can our actions now, ensure safe, holistic and equitable care for the people of the future? The evidence is clear; the climate emergency is a health emergency. The […]

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Bearing Witness – a new digital campaign connects healthcare workers in the UK with their peers in Humanitarian Disasters by Hesham Abdalla

Humanitarian disasters seem pervasive in the news, with Afghanistan being only the latest in a long list of devastating events. When reading and watching accounts of these crises however, I often find myself swiping past them, shutting out the victims’ pain that would otherwise be overwhelming. The stress is particularly acute amongst Healthcare professionals working […]

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‘Magical Meander’: Walking the tightrope…

This is the eighth part of the BMJ Leader blog series written anonymously by “Magical Meander”, a medical manager working in the NHS, to help align perspectives and build understanding of medical management across these two professions. As with so many management decisions, there isn’t really a bible to tell you what to do. Instead experience […]

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