A climate to fear: Reflections on “Sustainability: a little less conversation a little more action please” plenary presentation at FMLM international conference 9th November 2022 by Astrid Etherington

For many years my environmental conscience has steered my personal lifestyle choices: I don’t eat meat, I recycle, and I use public transport. However, it is only recently, after attending “Sustainability: a little less conversation a little more action” presented at the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management conference (2022) that I have started to […]

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Why are managers so often seen to be on the “dark side”, and who puts them there? by Emma Challans-Rasool and Charlotte Williams

Thank you for joining us in this second of our blogs that consider the current climate for NHS managers, why it matters and what we could all do to make things better. In such challenging times we must pull together to build hope, build solutions, build the future. Our first blog was a provocation  – […]

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“Managers value you; do you know enough to value them?” by Emma Challans-Rasool and Charlotte Williams

We have all read headlines that the NHS is overly controlled and bloated at the top by managers, who if they were just stripped away would see much better value for the public and make doctors and nurses’ lives easier.  It is true that as a manager working in a non-clinical capacity, the public, the […]

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NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Blog Series: “The forgotten professional group” by Healthcare Scientist Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow

The NHS employs over 50,000 Healthcare Scientists [1], yet many NHS staff are unaware that Healthcare Science is itself a professional group, distinct from Allied Health Professionals. Our professional identity can often be so lacking that many are unaware they are healthcare scientists themselves! This lack of cohesion can be partly attributed to the highly specialist […]

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NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Blog Series: “Carving a creative path out of the dentistry crisis” by Dentist Regional Clinical Leadership Fellows

It will be no surprise to anyone that NHS dentistry is at crisis point. Increasing media coverage over recent months has highlighted legitimate concerns around access to NHS dentistry, with the deeply worrying impact this has on those with the greatest need for oral care. Whilst this situation feels desperate, it is often in the […]

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UK’s Healthcare leadership should focus on decriminalising abortions by Anna Sri

On Sunday 24th June 2022, the USA’s Supreme Court made a monumental decision that allows politics and laws (of each state in America) to criminalise women who seek a basic healthcare service – an abortion. Since then, UK politicians and lawmakers may consider enforcing new legislations, so that women and people could be denied their […]

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Alone we are strong, together we are stronger by Shabir Shivji

Oral Health and CVD Prevention – The Power of Making Every Contact Count (MECC) We must seek any ‘silver linings’ for the NHS from the dark clouds of COVID. The Pandemic has focused minds on the challenge of reducing health inequality and reminded us that prevention is more effective and cheaper than medical management of […]

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