Greener Leader Blog Series: Doctors as advocates for a health-based response to the climate crisis: reflections from Doctors for the Environment Australia. By Dr. Kate Wylie

Health is at the heart of the climate crisis. The health of individuals, of communities and nations, of our non-human kin and even our planet’s health, are all at the mercy of global heating and climate change. Health professionals have an opportunity to use our trusted voices to centre health in the debate. Our advocacy […]

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Greener Leader Blog Series: The ‘Net Zero Clinical Care’ conference: a step on the long road to a sustainable NHS. By Dr. Sara Lightowlers

The first BMJ Net Zero Clinical Care conference took place on 10th October 2023. After a year of escalating climate consequences, there has been a strong sense of urgency amongst healthcare professionals engaged in the climate movement, for something such as this. An event that enables us to come together and discuss what a Net […]

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Greener Leader Blog Series : The Green Team. By Lorenz Kemper

While I have always strived to be mindful of our environment, it is in recent years that I have taken more active steps, even if it meant personal inconveniences and financial investments. The driving force for this was no single event, but the momentum of various campaigns such as Friday-for-Future school strikes and TV documentaries, […]

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Greener Leader Blog series: Being a physician parent in the time of climate crisis – Leading with compassion, anger, and hope. By Kathryn Speedy and Melanie Knowles

Becoming a parent is an extraordinary thing. Few will forget the moment they held their baby for the first time, and the countless humdrum yet astonishing moments that followed as their child learned, smiled, walked and talked. Parents of young children often spend hours outside, perhaps deepening our sense of connection with the natural world. […]

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Greener Leader Blog Series: Exploring our circles of influence as climate leaders. By Eleanor Murray

Minimising the impacts of climate change is a huge challenge, one that requires both individual actions and system changes. This can be explored through our circles of influence, our networks, and our roles as resource stewards, improvement agents, and advocates for health promotion. Circle of influence. The climate emergency is a concern to us all; […]

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Greener Leader Blog Series: Leadership on the climate emergency must extend beyond NHS sustainability

Consciousness and concern about the climate emergency are growing across society – the evident impact on the health and wellbeing of global populations is acknowledged by healthcare institutions underscored by robust evidence. Articles about the response to the threats we face feature with increasing frequency across medical literature and this is to be welcomed. However, […]

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