Sorry for the inconvenience but this is an emergency – the non-violent struggle for our planet’s future – Book Review by Dr Geraldine Swift

At its heart this book is a call to make the world a fairer place and to recognise our power, not only as citizens but also as doctors. As a psychiatrist, author Lynne Jones clearly recognises that we identify most with personal encounters and so, alongside many references, statistics and philosophical analyses, the warmth of […]

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Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare – Book Review by Dr Jamie Smyth & Dr Charlotte Caroff

Published in 2023 and edited by Naomi Chambers, the publication “Research Handbook for Leadership in Healthcare” aims to dissect the multifaceted and transdisciplinary role of leadership within the healthcare sector. The book stands out for its in-depth exploration of contemporary leadership theories and practices tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by healthcare leaders […]

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When luck has nothing to do with it. By Dr. Frances Wedgwood

“We’re so lucky to have these wonderful trainees,” I would often hear from my fellow GP educators. I would say it too. And indeed, we did feel lucky to have these brilliant, passionate, clever trainees who would breeze through their exams without needing any additional support, intrigue us with their thoughtful reflections and challenge us […]

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Visualising the invisible narrative of ‘Differential Attainment’. By Dr. Nagina Khan, Prof. Partha Kar and Prof. Subodh Dave

Differential Attainment Many medical educators ‘have been’ and ‘remain’ challenged by the concept of Differential Attainment (DA). The term DA describes a variation in levels of educational achievement that occurs between different demographic groups undertaking the same assessments. But this is not limited to medical education, Regan De Bere et al, have shown that DA […]

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