It is a long time since I studied art history, but if I remember rightly the invention of photography is said to have contributed to the exhaustion of the realist […]
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Tauseef Mehrali on the frontline as a GP registrar
After years of blogging in the cyber-wilderness, the BMJ has welcomed me into its warm embrace by giving me a little blogging corner all of my own. From this virtual […]
Trish Groves on the (only?) bank that’s growing
I made my deposit this week in UK Biobank. I was recruited because my age lies between 40-69 and I live within 10 miles of an assessment centre. At least […]
Birte Twisselmann at the annual meeting of the AGMS
Some months ago I was invited to the Anglo-German Medical Society’s 49th annual meeting, to be held in Cologne on 11-14 September 2008. As a German national who trained as […]
Vidhya Alakeson: US presidential candidates’ health reform proposals
Yesterday, the Tax Policy Center released its initial analysis of the health reform plans of the two presidential campaigns. The center is a joint initiative of the Brookings Institution and […]
Anna Donald: When I wish I didn’t have cancer
I am lying in bed, propped up with a silly number of pillows. I’ve stolen my husband’s, who is spending the night in Taree, a small country town about four […]
David Pencheon on the NHS carbon reduction strategy
We have no right to steal from future generations. At the end of this month, the consultation will close on the proposed carbon reduction strategy for the NHS in England. […]
Richard Smith: Painfully slow progress improving health care
Are we making good progress with improving health care? If not, why not and how could we do better? I tried to answer these questions as I spoke to a […]
Tessa Richards: Postoperative posting
Sarah Palin may have raised the profile of female politicians, but I’m lifting my glass to the girls who saw me through surgery last week. I did spot the odd […]
Anna Donald: What makes me feel good?
This blog is in response to a fourth question from Richard Smith: “What makes you feel good?” The question stymied me a bit. Not because there aren’t oodles of things […]