We are well into the first term now, and we are starting to do some modules that are not just straight science. One of these is an epidemiology module. I […]
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Vidhya Alakeson on Obama’s health team
If, like me, you’re used to a parliamentary system where the party with a majority in Parliament runs the government and, if it has a big enough majority, pushes through […]
Domhnall McAuley: Plane crash scare at NAPCRG
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Most of the delegates have managed to make it to Mali, despite a threatened strike by Air France’s pilots. In the end, by various routes, there are over 1000 of […]
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Helen Barratt: The bigger picture
According to the Faculty of Public Health’s careers booklet, the speciality is all about focusing on “the bigger picture.” It describes us as taking action to “promote healthy lifestyles, prevent […]
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