‘Should the contraceptive pill be available without prescription?’ is the subject of this week’s head to head. Daniel Grossman argues in favour of this policy, whilst Sarah Jarvis argues that […]
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Tauseef Mehrali on casting the safety net
In his brilliant surrealist novel Death at Intervals, José Saramago conjures up a dreamlike, yet all too soon nightmarish, scenario wherein the people of an anonymous landlocked European country simply […]
Juliet Walker: What’s new on bmj.com
This year’s Christmas BMJ generated lots of UK and international media coverage, particularly the paper that debunked seasonal myths. In Festive medical myths, Rachel Vreeman and Aaron Carroll look at […]
Tejshri Shah on the BMJ/MSF appeal
My name is Tejshri Shah and I am the head of the medical unit of Médecins Sans Frontières UK, the Manson Unit. When asked to be a guest blogger for […]
Julian Sheather on hope and human rights in Zimbabawe
Last week I was in Uganda, speaking at a conference on monitoring the right to health. During the conference I met a fourth year medical student from Zimbabwe, Norman Matara. Norman […]
Anna Donald on the joy of carers and nasogastric tubes
I’m lying in bed at 4 in the afternoon drinking Yakult. The little pot of yoghurty bacteria, recommended by a friend. I have no idea if it will help my […]
Nicola While on health care and Europe
The run up to the Christmas recess is a traditionally busy time for the European institutions. Last year proved to be no different with a rash of new legislative proposals […]
Chesmal Siriwardhana on science communication
As this blog is built around my personal experiences during the past few months, I would first of all like to introduce myself. I am medical graduate and a medical […]
William Lee and the “I’m lucky to be alive” patient
In early November 2008 a woman in her 30s who lives alone in London decided that she wanted to die. She was depressed. She felt that she only suffered and […]
Domhnall McAuley: A defining moment in UK primary care research
Ever wondered what it is like to be present at an event that changes history? The Academy of Medical Sciences organised a meeting entitled “Research in General practice; bringing innovation […]