One approach to setting NICE’s cost per QALY threshold might be to survey the public. In 2003 NICE and the Department of Health did just that, with a study “assessing […]
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Richard Smith on learning from health systems in Asia
It depresses me that despite the spread of the internet we are still most of us stuck in our intellectual and geographical silos. Why, I wondered at a conference in […]
Richard Smith asks who is the E O Wilson of medicine?
A friend has written to me asking whom I think might be the “E O Wilson of Medicine,” and I’m stumped. Perhaps some readers of the BMJ have never heard […]
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It is very good to see Changing Faces nominated as the BMA charity of the year, both because it is an outstanding organisation and because the nomination recognises a reality […]
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William Lee: A question of proportionality?
On Wednesday 25th February Baroness Warnock spoke at the Maudsley Philosophy Group. Her topic was, ‘Assisted Dying: Should the law be changed?’. The Maudsley is a psychiatric hospital in south […]