To Ramallah for the twice yearly contact with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health teaching programme in the West Bank, the first time I have visited since the […]
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Stephen Ginn on complementary therapy and disenfranchisement
I went to a debate on complementary medicine recently, hosted by the KCL Social Medicine Society. Despite being held on Guy’s Hospital Campus, a supposed stronghold of conventional medicine, the […]
Tracey Koehlmoos: The Colonel arrives with a bang in Bangladesh
On my way home from the centre where I work in Dhaka, Bangladesh, I drive through an area with four closely located private universities. Yesterday I was stuck in rush […]
Richard Lehman’s journal blog, 31 May 2009
In his school days, Richard says, he would often walk down Beech Hill Road in Sheffield thinking of chemical explosives, or girls, or Beethoven, but never of age, neuropathology, and […]
Matiram Pun on clinical medicine vs research
I developed a strong interest in medicine and becoming a doctor at the beginning of high school. I liked the idea of being of service, the social respect doctors are afforded, and […]
Richard Smith asks: Can the rich save the world?
Mathew Bishop, one of the authors of Philanthrocapitalism , last night told the audience of a Lancet debate packed into the grandeur of the Royal Society of Arts in London, […]
Julian Sheather on the day that human nature changed
At a certain point in life you start eyeing the word ‘crisis’ suspiciously. Inflationary pressures in the media devalue the linguistic coin and you could be forgiven for thinking that […]
Joe Collier on being critical
Being critical is a central part of me. It has been crucial to my work as an editor, a teacher, an advisor, a consultant, a reviewer and an author. We […]
Bhaskar Narayan on eating Es
I need to eat more healthily, so I’m going to cut down on foods containing E numbers. Here’s my plan. I must stay away from tomatoes, as they’re full of […]
Juliet Walker: BMJ in the news
A meta-analysis suggests that everyone over a certain age should be given blood pressure lowering drugs to prevent the risk of heart disease. The research has received widespread press coverage. The […]