Research into public health emergencies of global concern is fraught with ethical challenge. Bitter lessons learnt during successive outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa suggest that these […]
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Why journals should stop publishing transplantation research from China
Harrowing but credible allegations indicate crimes against humanity in forced organ harvesting at scale from prisoners of conscience, writes Adnan Sharif. Medical journals should avoid potential complicity until China shows […]
Richard Smith: The vision of an electronically connected NHS comes closer
In April 2002, the National Programme for IT (which in 2005 became Connecting for Health) set out with the ambitious vision of creating a paperless NHS. The programme was expected […]
Covid-19 and clinical reasoning—we all became novices once more
When covid-19 emerged, all doctors were faced with a new disease about which they knew little. Anna Hammond describes how the experience has changed her consultations with patients and how […]
The Sewell report risks turning the clock back on the fight against racism in the UK
After the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests last summer in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in the US, the UK government established the Commission on Race and […]
Has Europe failed to protect its people from covid-19?
Yes, we have failed. This was the short answer to the central question posed during a recent European Health Forum Gastein webinar to discuss the European Health Union Initiative (EHUI)—a […]
Jeffrey Aronson: When I Use a Word . . . Medical words of the 1980s
Since the start of the year I have been exploring biomedical words that are labelled in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as having first appeared in print in the 1980s. […]
Covid-19 in Italy: maintaining trust in vaccines and balancing risks
Italy is now facing a third covid-19 pandemic surge, exactly one year after the first one. But while hospital wards, emergency departments, and intensive care units are quickly filling up […]
The pandemic has demonstrated the collective power of doctors speaking up
During the pandemic, doctors came together to push for political change. We must continue to use our newfound voice, says Samantha Batt-Rawden […]
Working hard or hardly working?
Striking the right work-life balance can be difficult for the best of us—and is a dilemma medical students and doctors alike are also constantly trying to figure out. Gone are […]