At some point over a long, agonising winter, the writer Horatio Clare went mad. Precisely the moment his hypomania tipped over into psychosis is not clear, but fuelled by cannabis, […]
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Robert Francis: Why clinicians need to change their approach to litigation
A court award of damages to a patient for injury caused by medical treatment is evidence of a failure. Not just a failure to avoid harm—that merely starts a wasteful […]
Putting risks into context: covid-19 vaccines and blood clots
The media around the world have been desperate to help put the risks of blood clots following a covid-19 vaccination into some sort of context. It’s a familiar issue: every […]
Why do we ignore capitalism when we examine the health crises of our time?
Our reluctance to look at capitalism when we investigate global patterns of health and disease has a cost, writes Nicholas Freudenberg […]
Amitava Banerjee: Covid-19 in India—lockdown and vaccination drive only way forward
India’s only exit strategy is to urgently bring covid-19 infection rate down and to vaccinate as much of its population as quickly as possible, says Ami Banerjee We all want […]
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Vasiliy Vlassov: Sputnik V and Russia’s covid-19 vaccine race
The fast development of covid-19 vaccines has been a success story. But, when it comes to the Russian vaccines, this is a success with many failures, writes Vasiliy Vlassov Seventy […]
Thrombosis and bleeding after the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccination
New research gives a better understanding of the excess population risks after immunisation […]
Covid-19 in India: community groups are helping support maternal and child health services
As the impact of the covid-19 pandemic in India worsens, Aastha Kant highlights how community support groups have provided a vital service in the pandemic relief efforts The covid-19 pandemic […]