Greening the Curriculum: Opinions and Barriers to Sustainable Health Education for Physiotherapists: Part 1

Keywords: Physiotherapy education, sustainable healthcare, barriers to change.  Introduction Sustainable health education (SHE) in physiotherapy is emerging, with eighty-five education institutions currently incorporating an element of it in their physiotherapy curriculums globally [1]. This blog will outline a recent undergraduate study into the opinions of physiotherapy students and graduates from the University of Nottingham (UoN) […]

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Groin Pain: Into the Bermuda Triangle Part 1

This blog is part of a series on groin pain by Jim Scanlan, Physiotherapist.  Keep an eye out for monthly releases in this series! Diagnosing, managing & rehabilitating injuries in the Bermuda triangle Keywords: Groin Pain; Adductor; Rehabilitation Introduction: Sports involving rapid acceleration, deceleration or sudden changes in direction commonly result in groin injuries (1).  This […]

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The MSK Playbook: Chondrocalcinosis Pathway

The forgotten crystal arthropathy; Metabolically driven or just an incidental finding? Key words: #MSKplaybook #Chondrocalcinosis #CrystalArthropathy #Pseudogout #CPPD Introduction  Chondrocalcinosis is a common imaging finding encountered in community MSK clinics. In some patients, it may be considered normal for age, but in others, it can be a sign of a crystal arthropathy (CPPD arthropathy/pseudogout) or […]

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When to be concerned about finger pain in an adolescent climber

Introduction Climbing is a popular physical activity and Olympic sport. The intense training undertaken by adolescent climbers can result in the development of primary periphyseal stress injuries (PPSI) of the fingers. Such injuries need to be identified early and managed appropriately to facilitate a timely return to sport and prevent potentially serious negative consequences (1).  […]

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Can digital health help solve the global pandemic of physical inactivity and chronic conditions?

Unveiling the pros and cons of digital health interventions for people with one or more chronic conditions This blog summarises a recent systematic review published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research titled Benefits and Harms of Digital Health Interventions Promoting Physical Activity in People With Chronic Conditions. The problem We face a pressing challenge […]

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Effectiveness of combined surgical and exercise-based interventions following primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

This blog explains the effectiveness of exercises for first-time shoulder dislocations that occur in the forward direction due to a direct blow to the shoulder [primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation]. As an author group, we spent the last 3 years working through existing research to compile it into what is one of the highest levels […]

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Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool Use: Improving Risk Identification in Elite Athletes

In 2021, the International Olympic Committee introduced the Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool (SMHAT-1) to screen athletes for mental health concerns. This tool consists of a series of steps to evaluate an athlete’s mental well-being. The first step involves completing the Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire (APSQ), which helps determine if further assessment is necessary. Athletes […]

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Marathon Medicine 2023: “Keeping runners running”

Blog by Dr Amy Boalch (@marathonmedic_) Marathon Medicine is an annual free conference held in London the day before the London Marathon. The event offers clinicians and runners the opportunity to engage with talks from prominent speakers with this year’s event focussing on ‘keeping runners running’. This blog will summarise some of the content covered […]

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Yoga exercises for anxiety or depressive disorders

In this blog, we will explain how we synthesised evidence regarding the effectiveness of mind-body exercises on anxiety or depression symptoms in people diagnosed with anxiety or depressive disorders. Our study (recently published in BJSM) was conducted by some of the team members of the Uncertainty, Mindfulness, Self, and Spirituality (UMSS) research group, Seville, Spain. Why […]

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Cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers later in life

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of a recently published study and explain how we leveraged unique data available from the Swedish military conscription register to deepen our understanding of the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers in men (1).  Why is this study important? Cardiorespiratory fitness has well-established […]

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