“Who are you calling a cheat?!”

Ask this question and you’ll open up Pandora’s Anti-Doping box. Welcome to the world of anti-doping drama. This last year alone has seen unprecedented increases in the numbers of high-profile cases involving elite athletes in the UK and across the world. It’s led to London 2012 being labelled the ‘dirtiest Games in history’. We’ve seen the Russian Olympic debate unfurl, and we’ve seen the innocent, and the not-so innocent, suspected of using prohibited substances. Are you ready to tackle what lies ahead? Do you understand what may lie ahead? Would you like to know what’s going on?

This coming June in London… 

We gather a faculty of experts led by Dr Michele Verroken (Founding Director, Sporting Integrity) to give an update on the medico-legal aspects of Anti-Doping.The programme for 28th June has four threads during the day provides plenty of opportunity to ask questions and hear expert viewpoints, including athletes themselves.

The agenda in a nutshell

We will explore the expected revisions to the WADA code, now in its third phase with a final draft planned for this year. Revisions that impact on the medical governance will be the specific focus. We will hear expert legal insights into the risks in medicine and Anti-Doping, and examine where mistakes have been made and identify what is needed to avoid costly mistakes through lack of administration or practical organisation.

There is an important Duty of Care for athletes and anti-doping regulations and procedures are paramount in providing assurance in the current heated environment. Duties of doctors and their athlete patients, welfare in disciplinary proceedings will round up this exciting day. If you feel that you need to hear more on Duty of Care in anti-doping procedures then this forum is for you.

Our debate at the meeting is called “This house believes that doctors in sport should do no harm – but they do!” We have two elite athletes leading this debate and they will be interviewed by a leading Psychologist – join us! Take part in the debate!

The meeting will be held under Chatham House rules — no social media coverage or external debate will be permitted. It will be a safe environment for open and frank discussion. It will give you a chance to learn, debate, air your views and network with your specialist colleagues in sports medicine.

“Who are you calling a cheat?” – don’t assume you have the answer.

Visit www.mededucare.com for the current programme and a link to register. We have a maximum number of 70 places at the meeting so early booking is recommended.

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