Sports Medicine 2019 — Harvard Medical School CME course presents a multidisciplinary, team-based approach to optimize care of the athlete

By Adam Tenforde, MD @AdamTenfordeMD

I invite you to Sports Medicine 2019 to learn a state-of-the-art, comprehensive approach to evaluate and treat sports injuries. This BJSM Approved quality international education is provided by Harvard Medical School and creates an opportunity to learn directly from world-renowned physiatrists, orthopedists, radiologists, and physical therapists on the cutting edge of sports medicine and rehabilitation. Presenters also include team physicians and athletic trainers for the New England Patriots and Boston Red Sox.

The program takes place May 15-17, 2019, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The agenda focuses on both surgical and nonsurgical opportunities to improve treatment outcomes for acute and overuse injuries of the spine, knee, hip, foot, and ankle, along with upper extremity conditions of the shoulder, neck, elbow, hand, and wrist. Other topics covered include: effectiveness and expediency of physical evaluations; selection and interpretation of diagnostic imaging and interpretation; rehabilitation and return to play; optimal utilization of physical therapists and athletic trainers; injury prevention; pre-participation evaluation; and, treatment of special populations, including gymnasts, runners, and throwing athletes.

Attendees of Sports Medicine 2019 have the chance to customize their learning experience by staying for one of four optional skills development workshops after the main program ends. Choices are: Sports Ultrasound, Running Medicine, Gymnastics Medicine, and Sports Concussion. The workshop design includes a mix of lectures and hands-on demonstration to provide intensive skill development and enhance practice management.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine has recognized Sports Medicine 2019 as “Quality International Education.” The diverse course faculty reflects the many valued members of the sports medicine delivery system. The course directors are sports medicine physicians Dr. Joanne Borg-Stein, Dr. Kelly McInnis and me. We are sports fellowship-trained physiatrists from Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and are joined by Dr. William Palmer from Massachusetts General Hospital. Sports medicine often requires care from both surgical and non-surgical specialists, including primary care sports medicine, physiatry and radiologists. Our valued orthopedic surgery collaborators are recognized in our course in equal partnershipwith physical therapists, athletic trainers, and other providers who help optimize management of sports injuries.

Our course is planned with intentional efforts to provide diversity, including many different types of specialists as well as subject matters experts who have diverse backgrounds.1

We strongly recommend early registration, as workshops have historically sold out in advance. Also, an early registration discount is available through March 31. Please visit the course website for more information. We hope to see you in Cambridge Massachusetts this spring.


Dr. Tenforde @AdamTenfordeMD is Assistant Professor and Director of Running Medicine at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. His research focuses on non-surgical treatment of sports medicine injuries including optimizing management of bone stress injuries, tendinopathies and other forms of overuse injuries.


  1. Bekker S, Ahmed OH, Bakare U, et al. We need to talk about manels: the problem of implicit gender bias in sport and exercise medicine. Br J Sports Med 2018;52:1287–1289.


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