Conference announcement! 14th Portuguese Sports Medicine Conference in Braga

By Rita Tomás @rtomasmd

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Society of Sports Medicine, I would like to welcome all faculty and attendees to the 2018 European City of Sport, Braga this November 15th-17th.

This is the 14th edition of the national conference. Hot topics on the agenda include: medical aspects of trail running, injury prevention and training load monitoring, and emergencies in sports medicine. We have gathered over 30 national speakers and six international guests from Brazil, England, Germany, Netherlands and United States. Prof.  Natália Bittencourt (Brazil) will talk about complex systems approach related to injury prevention and prediction1.  Prof. Evert Verhagen (Netherlands) will discuss the burden of trail-running injuries and address the “eternal question” about screening (or not) for sports injuries2. Dr. Jonathan Finnoff from Mayo Clinic (USA) will tak about diagnostic and interventional ultrasound in sports medicine, a one of the world leaders in that field3. Dr. Caroline Bolling (Brazil/Netherlands), along with Prof. Evert Verhagen will help to help us to put into practice the evidence from the injury prevention research, taking into consideration your own context4. Prof. Charlie Foster (England), president of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health, will explain how the health care system can help to tackle the problem of physical inactivity5. Dr. Florian Egger from the University of Saarland (Germany) with talk about the lastest news from the FIFA Sudden Cardic Death in Football Registry6.

In addition to the general program, we have introduced pre-conference workshops on ultrasound-guided procedures, basic life support and automated external defibrillation and sport injury prevention.

48 abstracts have been accepted and eight were selected for the best poster award and will be presented on November 16th. Another eight have been selected to be presented orally on November 17th.

These are just a few reasons to join us in Braga from November 15th to 17th. We plan to make this 14th edition the biggest and best ever! We are waiting for you in Braga!

Register here:

The detailed programme is here:

Please note: sessions will be held in English (international speakers) and Portuguese (Portuguese and Brazilian speakers). No simultaneous translation will be provided.


Rita Tomás (@rtomasmd) is a sports medicine physician based in Lisbon, Portuguese Society of Sports MedicineBoard Member and President of the Organizing Committee of 14th National Conference of Sports Medicine in Braga.

Competing interests 



1-Bittencourt NFNMeeuwisse WHMendonça LDNettel-Aguirre AOcarino JMFonseca ST.Complex systems approach for sports injuries: moving from risk factor identification to injury pattern recognition—narrative review and new concept . Br J Sports Med. 2018 Oct;52(19):1223-1224.

2 – Verhagen Evan Dyk NClark N, Shrier I. Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater; screening can identify meaningful risk factors for sports injuries. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Oct;52(19):1223-1224

3 – Finnoff JT, Hall MM, Adams E, Berkoff D, Concoff AL, Dexter W, Smith J. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement: interventional  Interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound in sports medicine. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Feb;49(3):145-50.

4 –  Bolling Cvan Mechelen W, Pasman HR, Verhagen E. Context Matters: Revisiting the First Step of the ‘Sequence of Prevention’ of Sports Injuries. Sports Med. 2018 Oct;48(10):2227-2234.

5 –  WHO. Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world.

6 – Scharhag JBohm PDvorak JMeyer T.F-MARC: the FIFA Sudden Death Registry (FIFA-SDR). Br J Sports Med. 2015 May;49(9):563-5.

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