Integrate. Accelerate. Elevate: SASMA 2017 Biennial Congress – Speaker announcement and call for abstracts


Integrate. Accelerate. Elevate.

On behalf of the 2017 Congress Committee, we are thrilled to invite you to the 17th Biennial Congress of the South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA). The Congress will be held from 24 – 27 October 2017 at the Century City Conference Centre in Cape Town, South Africa, and promises to be a Sports Science and Exercise Medicine showstopper!

SASMA is a multidisiciplinary professional and scientific society dedicated to co-ordinating, integrating and optimising medical, scientific and educational services in sports, exercise and health in South Africa. The theme for 2017 is “Integrate – Accelerate –Elevate.” It aims to emphasise the importance of integration across various platforms in order to accelerate and improve outcome and elevate performance.

The topic of integration has never been more relevant in sport, particularly interdisciplinary integration, cultural integration and integration with technology. A thoughtfully crafted programme will thread together themed academic content, skills workshops, and panel discussions that will inspire and empower clinicians, academics, learners and leaders.

To deliver this rich and dynamic content, we are proud to announce the following confirmed international and local speakers:
Dr Aurelia Nattiv, Professor and Director at UCLA Metabolic Bone and Osteoporosis Centre. Specialist: Female Athlete Triad.
Dr Blaise Williams, Associate Professor in Physical Therapy and Director at VCU Run Lab Ms Leslie Bonci Registered Dietician (Sports Nutrition) and owner of Active Eating Advice
Dr Frank Dick, Former Director of coaching for UK Athletics
Professor Tim Noakes, Emiritus Professor in the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, University of Cape Town. Author: The Real Meal Revolution.
Dr Jon Patricios, Director at Morningside Sports Medicine, SASMA Past-President
Prof Wayne Derman, Director of the Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine, Stellenbosch University, Co-Director of the South African IOC Research centre for Injury Prevention and Prtotection of Health of the Athlete
Prof Efraim Kramer, Professor of Emergency Medicine, FIFA Football Emergency Physician

Events include:

Pre-congress workshops (24 October)
*Advanced manual upper and lower limb techniques
*Fieldside Emergency Care
*Exercise is Medicine Congress

Highlights (25 – 27 October)
Clinical Themes at the Congress will include:
*Pre-participation screening – What’s in and what’s out? The debate continues
*Sports Cardiology Symposium
*Paediatric Sports Medicine and Kids Health
*The Female Athlete
*Paralympic Medicine and Biomechanics
*Trends in Sports Nutrition
*Sports Specific Sessions with interdisciplinary presentations and panel discussions
*Exercise for Disease Prevention, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management *Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Hands-On Workshop
*Eye Opening Case Studies

Calling all students!

We would like to extend a special invitation to postgraduate students, and in 2017, have committed to elevating our student game! Not only have we improved the platform for student presentations, but we have also included numerous opportunities to connect with mentors, and a social function geared to faciliate networking amongst peers. Learners can look forward to:

Student Oral Presentations
*Poster Presentations
*Future Leaders cocktail function for post graduate students
*Student Lounge

Beckoning all professionals involved in sport and exercise – clinicians, academics, learners and leaders!

Let us integrate to accelerate and elevate the future of sport.



Click here to Register

Click here for Accommodation

For more information: WWW.SASMA2017.CO.ZA


Phatho Zondi SASMA President

Pierre Viviers SASMA President-Elect

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