Are you getting the most out of BJSM Education?

By Babette Pluim @Doc_Pluim

BJSM is a multimedia portal for original research, critical reviews and timely debate in sport and exercise medicine. As education is a BJSM cornerstone, we have a dedicated BJSM Education website:

BJSM Education offers high-quality, peer-reviewed educational material for clinicians whose practice relates to sport, exercise, and physical activity promotion. It supports the entire readership from established consultants in sports and exercise medicine (physiotherapists and physicians) to trainees and professionals from other disciplines with an interest in SEM.

CKJ skellyThe most popular features on the BJSM Education website are:

  1. Educational videos
  2. ECG learning modules
  3. Tendinopathy toolkits
  4. Case based learning
  5. Review papers with MCQs
  6. Image Quizzes
  7. i-tests

The ‘Educational videos’ instruct physicians and physiotherapists on how to perform systematic physical examinations. They also provide information about the latest evidence-based exercise prescription programs. The most recent additions to the library include videos promoting healthy body image in sport and calling for action against sexual harassment in sport.

The ‘ECG learning modules’ provide valuable lessons in interpreting ECGs; assisting physicians to identify benign ECG changes seen in athletes and differentiate those from pathological patterns

The ‘Tendinopathy toolkits’ provide clinicians with evidence-based, and expert-led, information to facilitate clinical decision-making in the management of tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon and of the lateral epicondyle.

The ‘case based learning’ section contains a large selection generously provided by the AMSSM, and also includes elaborate interactive case histories created by some of the world’s leading experts, immersing you in an interactive learning environment.

The section containing ‘Review papers with multiple choice questions’  tests your knowledge and also provides you with a Completion Certificate.

The ‘Image quizzes’ based on real-life cases, provide the opportunity to test and update your knowledge by identifying the most likely diagnosis. These are ideal for the busy clinician or trainee who wants a quick and easy learning bite.

The ‘i-tests’ (‘i’ for ‘imaging’) have been specially created for updating one’s skill in interpreting imaging.

This is only a small selection of what you can find at BJSM Education (PowerPoints related to Concussion Consensus,[1,2, pictorials essays, podcasts etc.).

EVERYTHING is available free to our subscribers!

N.B. The modules developed in conjunction with BMJ learning require you to register with BMJ learning but only takes seconds and is also free.

Are you getting the most out of your BJSM access?

The mix of web, video, audio, MCQ and Q+A offers a truly blended environment for effective learning. All the 13 sports medicine and sports physiotherapy societies affiliated to BJSM, with a combined membership of over 10,000, have contributed to further development of this site and we are continuously interpreting more material from each member society.

Make sure you don’t miss out and visit the BJSM Education website soon!



  1. Provvidenza C, Engebretsen L, Tator C et al. From consensus to action: knowledge transfer, education and influencing policy on sports concussion Br J Sports Med 2013;47:332-8.
  2. McCrory P, Meeuwisse WH, Abry M et al. Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Br J Sports Med 2013;47:250-258

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