Congrats to the winners of the BJSM cover competition

untitledWe are happy to announce 3 different winners today.

First off, for the second year in a row the issue associated with the South African Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) (with guest Editors Jon Patricios and Wayne Viljoen) was victorious. Coincidence (or maybe it was the cute giraffe)? By coincidence, the current issue of BJSM celebrates SASMA again – and their conference in October 2013.

Secondly, the contest winners of either

1. The IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity, Edited by Roald Bahr.


2.Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine, 4th Edition, 2012.


1. Xabat Casado

Xabat has been a physical therapist since 2005 and currently works in private practice in San Sebastian, Spain. He is passionate about the science and practice of manual therapy and looks forward to reading his new book to access updated information on sports medicine. When asked what about his favourite thing on the BJSM blog, he stated: ” The quality of the information published. Without a doubt, a reference blog.”

2. Loryn Turnock

Loryn recently graduated in Sports Therapy at the University of Hertfordshire. She aspires to work with a sporting team and also gain clinical experience (in Australia where she wants to live out her dreams). She is excited to have won either book as she views them as key resources for her career. Her favorite thing about the BJSM blog is that it keeps her up to date on current literature.

Seems like these book prizes will be put to good use.

Thanks to everybody who participated!

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