Triathlete with calf/Achilles pain – what’s the diagnosis? (Just one of six fun interactive cases!)

ankle xrayWe know that case-based learning is the most effective and fun way to improve clinical skills. So BJSM provides opportunities!

Under the “Education” tab on the home page, click on Image Quiz. You’ll find real-life cases – ideal for medical students and junior doctors. (We tested our EIC on two and are pleased to report he got them right!).

Our newest cases are of (i) a triathlete with unusual calf/Achilles region pain and (ii) a water-skier who came to grief while attempting his start.

These cases will help you recognize clinical scenarios and help you gain confidence in interpreting imaging. These new case include a lateral x-ray of the ankle/ultrasound scan of the lower leg and an MRI of the hamstring region. As a side teaching note, remember that precise localisation of hamstring injuries is important as the location of injury affects prognosis. (Carl Askling’s work – listen to his podcast here).

Thanks to Arthur Kievit (PhD fellow) and Gino Kerkhoffs (orthopedic surgeon) from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands for the hamstring quiz. The Dutch Sports Medicine Society (VSG in Dutch) is a BJSM member society – all VSG members have full access to BJSM and the VSG guides one issue of BJSM annually.

Thanks also to Dr James Thing (Sports Physician in training), Dr James Sarkodieh (Radiology in training) and Dr Muaaze Ahmad (Consultant Radiologist) from the Royal London Hospital for the case about the calf/Achilles pain.

Follow this link to the newest quizzes

Keep an eye out for future quizes – they’ll be flagged on BJSM’s Facebook and Twitter channels. Drs Kievit, Kerkhoffs and Thing will keep the Image Quizes coming and feel free to submit cases yourself! Please contact me on and I’ll make it easy for you. Best Image Quiz for the Year gets a free copy of a best-selling sports medicine book!

Yours in sport,

Babette Pluim, Deputy Editor BJSM


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