Guest Post: BASEM’s Eleanor Tillett Invites Submissions for BASEM Issue

Call For Papers – the BASEM BJSM Issue 2013 (but open to authors from all countries)

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We are in the process of putting together the content for the next BASEM BJSM issue which will go out in November this year. We will be keeping to the principle of articles that influence clinical practice and including a broad range of subjects. However we will also be focusing on two mini themes and would like to particularly encourage members to submit articles for these topics.


The two themes are:

  1. Pain and the athlete  – following on from the 2012 conference session
    1. Acute and chronic pain management
    2. Unusual pain presentations in athletes
    3. Challenges of pain management in athletes
    4. etc
  2. Wrist injuries
    1. Diagnosis
    2. Management
    3. etc

Original research, reviews and educational pieces broadly relevant to either of these topics would be welcome for consideration. In addition we are looking for a series of case studies on central sensitisation / unusual pain presentations in athletes to publish online and link to a key educational / review article in the print issue.

All papers will have to go through the usual submission process by the BJSM reviewers, however we will do all we can to support members’ submissions and help get them up to the required standard for publication.

If you have any ideas for papers you would like to submit (or have recently submitted a potentially relevant article) then please contact Eleanor Tillett (

All articles need to be submitted for review via the BJSM website by June 1st.

Many thanks for considering this and we look forward to being able to promote some of BASEM members’ work in the next issue.

Eleanor Tillett
BASEM Secretary

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