Images wanted for BJSM clinical quizzes!

Images wanted!

x-rayHave you ever come across a patient’s condition that looks so interesting, you want to share it with your colleagues?

From now on: please do (with consent of course)!

We have the perfect platform for sharing noteworthy cases and conditions. And, good news — it’s not much work for you to contribute. You can find it on the BJSM Education home page. It is called the Image Quiz.

Image Quizzes are based on a clinical image which relates to a patient’s case that is educational for students and junior doctors.

The requirements are as follows:

1.        Image in JPEG/GIF format with maximum dimensions of  400 x 400 pixels, minimum resolution of 300 DPI.
2.        Categorical description
3.        Question with background information (as per the examples currently online).
4.        Six possible answers to choose from (including an indication of the correct answer)
5.        An explanation and a discussion section – which may include a more detailed description of the condition (max 700 words)
6.       A further reading list of up to three sources, for example, articles (clinical reviews published in the BJSM, Student BMJ or other publications) or relevant textbooks.

However, one thing is important: you need to obtain the patient’s informed consent to publication

Please send you case to  and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

We look forward to your submissions!

Babette Pluim,
Deputy Editor BJSM, Education

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