BJSM podcasts speak for themselves – 6,738 downloads in the last 30 days!

Are you an app developer? If you want to create the BJSM podcast app please ‘call me maybe’.  Granted BJSM podcasts are marginally less popular than Carly Rae Jepsen’s hit (300 million views) but I am optimistic that sports medicine will truimph over time. Right now we are only 300 million views behind (with rounding). Many in the BJSM community commented on the value of  the 5 most popular BJSM Podcasts in 2011.

Here is a 2012 update on our ‘platinum podcasts’:

5 most popular in the last 30 days (average over 1000 listens per podcast):

Acute ankle injuries, with Gino Kerkhoffs  Based on the very rigorous review of management published in the August issue of BJSM (VSG member society – theme issue).

Five clinical tips for shoulder assessment and Rx, with Professor Mark Hutchinson  Comes with linked video material – a multi-media overview that even experienced clinicians can learn from.

Darren Burgess – Head of Fitness and Conditioning at Liverpool FC   How can clinicians and fitness and conditioning professionals can work together to improve team performance. Yes they can!

Professor Mark Hutchinson’s pearls on knee examination: Do the simple things extraordinarily well  Don’t be fooled by the word ‘simple’ in this one. Later in the podcast (and you can go straight there using the timeline under the link) Hutch discusses complex management issues. He’s a great instructor. (As his >3 million YouTube views attest.)

Prof Jeremy Lewis: Rotator cuff tendinopathies You get the best of BJSM’s Deputy Ed Prof Jill Cook (interviewing) and Prof Jeremy Lewis on controversial issues topics related to the painful shoulder. Where does the pain come from? Should I succumb to SAD? (subacromial decompression). A rare opportunity to be a fly on the wall while two of the most popular clinical educators chat.

Most popular ever (all with > 2000 listens):

Biomechanical overload and lower limb injuries, with Andrew Franklyn-Miller Expert commentary on leg pain (not ‘shin splints’ but roughly in that part of the body 🙂 ), barefoot running, and how to modify your running technique to reduce injury risk.

Hamstring injuries with Carl Askling In a short podcast, Swedish physiotherapist Askling shares the take-home messages from over a decade of both treating hamstring strains in athletes/dancers and from completing a brilliant PhD on the subject. This is revolution – not just evolution – in managing hamstring tears. If your hamstring strain is not differentiated into Askling’s Type 1 or Type 2 you are at a disadvantage in knowing your prognosis and perhaps even optimum treatment. A hot commodity on the sports medicine conference circuit Dr Askling provides valuable guidance here.

Groin injuries, with Per Holmich One of the most challenging areas of sports medicine – from a world-renowned surgeon with rare appreciation of conservative management.  Learn how to differentiate the entities that contribute to groin pain and how that should influence management. Don’t have FAI surgery before listening to this!

Treating tendinopathy with Professor Håkan Alfredson A very practical podcast on the distinction between mid-portion and insertional Achilles problems. How to manage each condition. Current management controversies. From the clinician who invented the modern heel-drop program – one of the top 10 downloaded and cited papers of all time in the Am J Sports Med (1998).

The shoulder in sport, with Ben Kibler  Dr Scapula – Ben Kibler – is guaranteed to fill a room at any conference. Tennis doctor and BJSM deputy editor Babette Pluim (@DocPluim) poses the challenging clinical scenarios so we can all learn!

BJSM welcomes your suggestions for podcast guests. Email or Tweet to the BJSM at @BJSM_BMJ or post to our facebook page.

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