New video from YouTube sensation Mike Evans: Concussion 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents

When it comes to creating engaging public health messages, Mike Evans is a star. The video 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health? generated 1.2 million views on YouTube in a month. Numbers continue to rise.

Evans’ follow-up video Concussions 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents is likely to be another hit. Dare I say this concussion video will ensure Evans is not a ‘one-hit wonder’?

Evans is entertaining as he targets kids, youth, and parents with evidence,  clear explanations and practical guidelines. It may also be a useful tool for practitioners working with athletes who ask the age old question – ‘when can I return to activity.’

He uses the high profile example of hockey player Sydney Crosby and makes Crosby’s experience relatable to the amateur athlete.

Recent news of Sarah Burke’s (a champion freestyle skier) severe head injury underscores that concussions are an ongoing issue of importance in sport.

We applaud Evans’ commitment to public health education and hope you watch/use/enjoy the video.


Looking for more information to add value to your practice? Check out related BJSM resources below.

BJSM Resources


Jinguji T, Bompadre V, and Harmon K et. al. 2012. Sport Concussion Assessment Tool – 2: Baseline Values for High School Athletes. Published Online First 5 January 2012.

Special issue of BJSM (May 2009) following the Zurich Concussion Consensus Meeting – in particular the consensus statement – the definitive citation for papers relating to concussion

Podcast too!

Concussion expert Paul McCrory discusses everything you wanted to know about the Zurich International Conference on Concussion (link to 3 different podcasts here!)

You can follow the man @docMikeEvans

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