Policymakers: Do you want to reduce traffic congestion and save on your sickness budget? Here’s a proven plan. Very easy. No excuse.

What was the common story in the LA Times, the Sydney Morning Herald and the New Dehli Tribune overnight? No – not the London Riots – any city can have a few thugs light up cars and buses for short-term media attention.

The big story is via the BMJ — Barcelona’s public bike rental scheme saves lives, prevents air pollution and is really the way of the future. An interesting contrast to the ridiculous Mayor of Toronto (Rob Ford – put this name in your list of nutcases in charge) who, shame, shame, shame – REMOVED 3 bicycle lanes with the claim that ‘the war on the car is over’.

Interested in the built environment and physical activity? Consider following this blog: http://sustainablecities.dk/en/blog

See a recent BJSM editorial by Professor Adrian Bauman with its provocative title — panacea for physical inactivity. The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports had a great systematic review too. And there is the free strategic plan for policymakers. http://www.alga.asn.au/policy/transport/ActiveTransport.pdf

If you study the effect of the built environment on physical activity see this warmup and a method to measure ‘walkability’ (link not free).

But if you live in Rob Ford’s constituency, I’m not sure what to suggest. Perhaps an employment agency. Or Friedrich Schiller may provide empathy.

Remember BJSM’s Twitter handle @BJSM_BMJ and our large library of podcasts (home page). Please spread the word – with folks like Rob Ford in leadership positions we need to work together.

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