From the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress (Whistler, British Columbia)

Bit of local bias in today’s blog – and I have to declare a conflict that the CPA has put me up in the very nice Hilton Hotel at the base of Whistler Mountain.

So if I say the Hilton has delicious breakfast cereal and great local art galleries next door, you need to be aware that I paid for the former, and am trying to avoid my wife seeing the latter.

More importantly Professor Carolyn Emery, internationally renowned physiotherapist and paediatric sports injury prevention researcher, shared advances in a well-attended session yesterday. She is a leader at the Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre (SIPRC), University of Calgary.

Take home message for me? 10-15 of the right type of neurodynamic (what we used to call balance/strength/coordination) exercises can prevent lower limb injuries and likely ACL rupture. Some coaches are ‘buying’ in but there is a way to go. Coaches – how can you sleep at night if you are NOT doing this in youth soccer, handball, and likely other sports. How can we sleep while the kids aren’t learning (to perform these prevention exercises) [apologies to Midnight Oil and some readers will know what I mean]. Thanks Carolyn Emery.

I was reminded of Roald Bahr’s thoughtful editorial in BJSM. Also, remember the Review and Summary Statement from the IOC ACL prevention meeting – always in BJSM’s top 10 downloads per month.

Today, I look forward to Uni of Queensland’s Michele Sterling this morning – Whiplash: Minor Injury but Complex Condition.

What am I speaking about for my supper? A meeting with young researchers in the morning – how to get published. Later, in a session on scope of practice in physiotherapy (very hot topic), I contribute the exercise prescription part. There’ll be some overlap with an Editorial that got posted in BMJ today – although the BMJ piece has doctors as the target audience for obvious reasons. And I’ll give the smokadiabesity a run here in Canada – see what folks think! The point of the editorial and my talk today? What can clinicians do get people moving. Exercise is Medicine — we know that. The challenge is implementation (see the current issue of BJSM!).

Have a great Saturday!

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